Category: Uncategorized

  • How Can I Get My Hands On The FIFA 23 TOTY?

    Introduction The prestigious FIFA Team of the Year (TOTY) selection by popular vote is a highly anticipated event among football enthusiasts. The TOTY consists of the best-performing players in the previous calendar year, chosen by a worldwide panel of football journalists and experts. Fans eagerly wait for its release to see if their favourite players…

  • The Brazilian National Team

    Introduction Brazil’s absence from FIFA 23 has been a topic of discussion among football fans. The possible reason for this is due to the licensing issues faced by EA Sports, which can limit their ability to include certain teams in their games. It is worth noting that Brazil was absent from FIFA 13 and was…

  • How The World Cup Works In FIFA 23

    How The World Cup Works In FIFA 23

    Is there world cup in fifa 23 career mode FIFA 23 Career Mode allows players to control and manage their football teams in various competitions. One such competition that fans eagerly anticipate is the World Cup, where national teams compete for glory on the global stage. In FIFA 23 Career Mode, players can participate in…